
IndustryNet Blog

Leading U.S. industrial plating companies

Posted by IndustryNet on Wednesday, March 7, 2018

100000198electroplating4As U.S. manufacturing activity continues to accelerate, industrial plating companies will likewise continue to benefit from positive growth forecasts.

Overall, industrial plating companies are still outperforming American manufacturers in general, IndustryNet's latest data shows.

Average sales for industrial plating companies have increased 1.88 percent over the last year. Employment remains steady, as well. Plating companies in the Midwest experienced 46.15 percent of job growth, the most in the country.

The top 10 U.S. industrial plating companies provide context based on employment and facility size.

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Top 10 companies by number of employees

IndustryNet data shows the top 10 industry plating companies, ranked by the number of employees:

DCI Aerotech, Inc.
Lincoln Industries
Triumph Processing - Embee Div.
Southwest United Industries, Inc.
Roy Metal Finishing Co., Inc.
Quaker City Plating Ltd.
Allied Finishing, Inc.
Howard Finishing, LLC
Anoplate Corp.
S & S Plating Co.

These companies annually report employment data to IndustryNet for further analysis.

DCI Aerotech, Inc.
DCI Aerotech performs industrial machining and polishing.

• Location: Detroit, Michigan.
• Number of employees: 701.

Lincoln Industries
Lincoln Industries is the originator of the brands Lincoln Chrome and Khrome Werks.

• Location: Lincoln, Nebraska.
• Number of employees: 520.

Triumph Processing - Embee Div.
Triumph Processing - Embee Div. excels at electroplating, polishing, and anodizing.

• Location: Santa Ana, California.
• Number of employees: 400.

Southwest United Industries, Inc.
Southwest United Industries performs metal plating and coating.Electroplating

• Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma.
• Number of employees: 288.

Roy Metal Finishing Co., Inc.
Electroplating is the primary specialization at Roy Metal Finishing.

• Location: Greenville, South Carolina.
• Number of employees: 250.

Quaker City Plating Ltd.
Quaker City Plating also has electroplating capabilities as well as polishing.

• Location: Whittier, California.
• Number of employees: 240.

Allied Finishing, Inc.
Allied Finishing is the largest employer in the decorative plating sector.

• Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan.
• Number of employees: 220.

Howard Finishing, LLC
Howard Finishing offers all plating services.

• Location: Roseville, Michigan.
• Number of employees: 200.

Anoplate Corp.
Metal coating, allied services and industrial machinery are primary competencies at Anonplate.

• Location: Syracuse, New York.
• Number of employees: 200.

S & S Plating Co.
S & S Plating specializes in electroplating.

• Location: Houston, Texas.
• Number of employees: 200.

Top 10 companies by square footage

IndustryNet data shows the top 10 industry plating companies, ranked by square footage:

Lincoln Industries
Providence Metallizing Co., Inc.
Southwest Metal Finishing, Inc.
Houston Plating & Coatings, LLC.
America's Best Quality Coatings Corp
Capron Mfg. Co.
Professional Plating Inc.
Allied Finishing, Inc.
Enduro Industries, LLC
Eastern Plating, LLC

Interestingly, Lincoln Industries and Allied Finishing, Inc. are the only companies that also rank among the top 10 companies by square footage.

Lincoln Industries
Lincoln Industries is the originator of the brands Lincoln Chrome and Khrome Werks.

• Location: Lincoln, Nebraska.
• Square footage: 400,000.

electroplating2Providence Metallizing Co., Inc.
Electroplating, metal coating, and polishing are three capabilities at Providence Metallizing.

• Location: Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
• Square footage: 300,000.

Southwest Metal Finishing, Inc.
Southwest Metal Finishing, Inc. has more diverse offerings, such as nonferrous die-casting, metal forming, and machine tooling.

• Location: Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin.
• Square footage: 250,000.

Houston Plating & Coatings, LLC
Houston Plating & Coatings operates the largest nickel electroplating facility in the United States.

• Location: South Houston, Texas.
• Square footage: 250,000.

America's Best Quality Coatings Corp.
America's Best Quality Coatings can perform anodizing.

• Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
• Square footage: 225,000.

Capron Mfg. Co.
Capron offers a range of plating services, including porcelain enameling.

• Location: Capron, Illinois.
• Square footage: 220,000.

Professional Plating Inc.
Professional Plating features the most comprehensive list of plating services.

• Location: Brillion, Wisconsin.
• Square footage: 210,000.

Allied Finishing, Inc.
Allied Finishing is the largest employer in the decorative plating sector.

• Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan.
• Square footage: 200,000.

Enduro Industries, LLC
Enduro Industries specifically performs hard chrome plating.

• Location: Hannibal, Missouri.
• Square footage: 200,000.

Eastern Plating, LLC
Eastern Plating has competencies in zinc nickel, nickel-chrome, tin and silver plating.

• Location: Newport, Tennessee.
• Square footage: 182,000.

For more information industrynetGEAR

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