
IndustryNet Blog

Top machine shops in the USA

Posted by IndustryNet on Thursday, November 30, 2017

Top USA machine shopsIndustryNet's latest data on U.S. machine shops shows the industry is experiencing an uptick in demand. The state of the machine shop industry is strong, with a total of 184 companies employing 2,780 people this year. IndustryNet recorded a half percent rise in the sector overall, as well as a 1.3% rise in sales.

At the moment, the majority of machine shops in the country are in the Midwest area, followed by a tie for the South Atlantic and West South Central regions. New England has the fewest machine shops, with only 4 percent of the companies.

Interestingly, the Midwest region is not only the area with the most businesses, but also the area with the most employment growth in the industry, with 23 percent of companies reporting growth to IndustryNet located there.

With a clear idea of the industry's size as well as the regions of the country where it is most active, here are top machine shops in the USA by number of employees, square footage and employee growth.

Top 10 machine shops by number of employees

One popular method for measuring the size of a machine shop is the number of employees, as this is directly related to the production capacity of the shop. In this category, the following machine shops are the industry leaders in the U.S.

1. Alabama Specialty Products, Inc. in Munford, Ala.: 230 employees
This machine shop specializes in multiple types of industrial machinery.

2. Carlson Tool & Mfg. Corp. in Cedarburg, Wis.: 160 employees
This company is a machine shop that also handles contract machining, gun drilling, milling, precision milling and turning, honing, trepanning, CNC turning and gun drilling.

3. The Jade Corp., in Huntingdon Valley, Pa.: 150 employees
The Jade Corp. is a machine shop that specializes in industrial machinery as well as metal stampings and electronic components, providing customers with a range of services.

4. AceCo Precision Mfg., Inc. in Boise, Idaho: 110 employees
AceCo Precision Mfg., Inc. provides industrial machinery as well as semiconductors and devices related to them.

5. Gottstein Contracting Corporation in Hazle Township, Pa.: 100 employees
This machine shop specializes in designing computer integrated systems in addition to industrial machinery.

6. ASAP Industries, LLC in Houma, La.: 90 employees
In addition to general industrial machinery, ASAP Industries, LLC focuses on gas and oil field machinery.

7. Plouse Precision Mfg. in Highspire, Pa.: 85 employees
This machine shop works with metalworking machinery, fabricates metal products, and provides metal stampings. They also work with industrial machinery and aircraft equipment and parts.

8. Elliot Machine Shop in Macon, Ga.: 80 employees
Elliot Machine Shop focuses on machine work and industrial machinery in general. They specialize in field machining, precision machining, CNC machining, custom fabrication and more.

9. J B Tool, Die & Engineering, Inc. in Fort Wayne, Ind.: 70 employees
This machine shop focuses on metalworking machinery, general industrial machinery, and special projects such as dies, jigs, fixtures and tools.

10. Alban Machining & Hydraulic Services in Baltimore, Md.: 60 employees
Alban focuses on machine tools, particularly metal forming types, fabricating metal products, and fluid power pumps, motors, actuators and cylinders.

Top 10 machine shops by square footage

Another popular measurement is square footage; the more space a company has dedicated to their machine shop, the greater their production capabilities. There is significant overlap between the machine shops with the largest number of employees and those with the largest square footage.

1. Alabama Specialty Products, Inc. in Munford, Ala.: 350,000 square feet
See above description.

2. Carlson Tool & Mfg. Corp. in Cedarburg, Wis.: 105,000 square feet
See above description.

3. Machinery Maintenance, Inc. in La Salle, Ill.: 105,000 square feet
They are a general machine shop with a focus on industrial machinery.

4. Jade Corp., The in Huntingdon Valley, Pa.: 100,000 square feet
See above description.

5. Plouse Precision Mfg. in Highspire, Pa.: 90,000 square feet
See above description.

6. Elliot Machine Shop in Macon, Ga.: 80,000 square feet
See above description.

7. Alban Machining & Hydraulic Services in Baltimore, Md.: 80,000 square feet
See above description.

8. Product Services & Mfg. Corp. in Milwaukee, Wis.: 79,000 square feet
This machine shop focuses on industrial controls and relays along with fabrication of metal products and general industrial machinery.

9. Streck's, Inc. in Watervliet, N.Y.: 75,000 square feet
Streck's focuses on metal-cutting types of machine tools and industrial machinery in general.

10. ASAP Industries, LLC in Houma, La.: 74,000 square feet
See above description.

Top 5 machine shops by employee growthTop USA machine shops

To get a feel for which machine shops are increasing their production, services and other capabilities, look to the increase in employee growth. The following companies have reported growth in this area.

1. Allen Co. in Minnetonka, Minn.: 28 employees on site
Allen Co. provides machine work, CNC machining, precision machining, CNC tuning, and plastic machining and fabricators.

2. United Machine Corp. in Valparaiso, Ind.: 25 employees on site
This machine shop specializes in a range of industrial machinery, including specialized industries, and both metal cutting and metal forming types of machine tools.

3. Alexander's Machine Shop, Inc. in Jonesboro, Ark.: 23 employees on site
They provide industrial machinery, fabricated metal products, and special fixtures, dies, tools, and jigs.

4. Threaded Products, Inc. in Davenport, Iowa: 20 employees on site
Threaded Products, Inc. provides bolts, screws, rivets, washers, nuts, screw machine products and other hardware.

5. Bear Mountain Machine, Inc. in New Plymouth, Idaho: 20 employees on site
This company works with industrial machinery, specifically metal coating along with allied services.

For more information on U.S. machine shops

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