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List of verified suppliers of custom-designed & fabricated ASME-code pressure vessels, coalescers & skid assemblies for the oil, surface production equipment for the oil & gas industry, piping modules, FWKOs, heaters, precision CNC multi-axis machined parts for OEM manufacturers, light assembly & product development services, pipe bending machines, mandrels & rental, oil & gas production equipment parts & supplies, treating & processing equipment, glycol dehydrators, oil & gas industry nonmagnetic drill collars & stabilizers, gas compressors & valves, nylon slings & marine oil & gas well rigging equipment, hydraulic power units, manufacturer of new non-code oil & gas production & process equipment & storage tanks, cranes, plasma cutting, gas well dewatering & rapid water removal of hydraulically fractured shale gas wells, electric submersible pumps, plunger lifts & polycrystalline diamond cutters for drilling, oil & gas processing equipment, separators & dryers, process equipment for the oil & gas industry, shakers, passive treatment systems, watershed improvements & gas well development, dynamometers & electrical power measuring & analyzing equipment for oil well, gas/liquid cyclonic separation vortex tube cluster internals for upstream & downstream applications for the oil, LNG & geothermal industries, multibowl & storage wellheads, fiberglass & steel sucker rods & downhole pumps for oil & pumping gas wells, support for equipment, oil & gas & modular gas compression systems for the chemical industry, subsea buoyancy landing strings for offshore oil wells, artificial gas & plunger lift systems for the oil & gas industry, natural gas dehydration equipment & vapor recovery towers for the oil & gas, sheet & plate metal fabrication, production equipment & supplies & steel pipe for the oil & gas industry, process & measurement equipment, low-pressure wellheads & production equipment for the oil industry, chemical injection & annular flow fluid mandrels & patented carbide gas lift mandrels for the oil & gas industry, pump guard screens, fluid filtration & perforating, modular fluid systems & process skids for the power generation & oil & gas industries, downhole tools, oil & gas completion tools, pump joint pipe assembly & fabrication & flow control equipment for onshore & offshore oil production, manufacturer of custom water disposal/injection plants, LACT units & air compressor skids & industrial pumps, blowers, new & reconditioned oil & gas production equipment, wireline lift frames, lubricator valves, compensation towers, coiled tubing lift frames, surface test trees, spanner systems, intervention work towers & deepwater offshore well services.
North Dakota industrial jobs decline for a second year in a row - though losses have slowed
Friday, August 18, 2017
According to new data released this week by MNI, compiler and publisher of the industrial information that powers IndustryNet, North Dakota lost jobs in its industrial sector, as the state's oil/gas industry continues to shrink. MNI reports the state lost 320 manufacturing jobs from May 2016 to May 2017, or 1%.
This is the second straight year MNI recorded an employment decline in North Dakota's industrial sector. Losses seem to have slowed, however, with MNI's 2015-2016 survey showing a much sharper 6% decline in employment, suggesting the worst of the state's losses may be over.
After the oil bust, is North Dakota once again poised for growth?
North Dakota was the star of the nation's post-recession recovery period. Between May of 2011 and May 2015, North Dakota added a stagge...(Full Article)
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