
IndustryNet Blog

Dalemark Industries, Inc. Announces the Launch of Model 975-TA Tabletop Feeder

Posted by IndustryNet on Thursday, November 12, 2020

100000562_logo_dalemarkDalemark Industries, Inc., a leader in marking, coding, labeling, and transport systems manufacturing, announced the launch of a new tabletop flat product transporter. The new Model 975-TA tabletop transporter is ideal for high speed feeding of flat products, including cards, sheets, cartons, booklets, sleeves, lidstock, pouches and bags for easy integration with various Product Identification Devices.

Dalemark’s transporter can integrate with a variety of product identification devices, including high res/CIJ ink jet coders, four color ink jet printers, laser coders and P/S label applicators.

In addition, the transporter also works with counter, bar code readers, OCR/OCV systems and thermal transfer printers.

The Model 975-TA is a heavy duty product transporter for knocked down products and designed for easy integration with any C.I.J. or High Resolution Ink Jet, Laser Coder or P/S Tamp or Blow Label Applicator to provide a simple and affordable tabletop offline product identification system, even for fly weight stocks. Units are now available to accommodate flat products up to 16” wide.

Designed for both short and long run applications, this economical Tabletop Transporter provides system portability and features such as:

• Stainless Steel Construction
• Suitable for integrating P/S Labelers, Ink Jet Coders or Laser Coders.
• Adjustable speeds up to 200 ppm
• Includes an Integrated Adjustable Stainless Steel Product Re-Accumulator Tray
• Automatically strips, feeds and re-accumulates products up to 16” wide
• Requires No Air or PC connection
• Optional Shaft Encoder for Ink Jet Coding
• Optional Integrated Vision/OCR or Bar Code Reader/Verification System

About Dalemark Industries, Inc.

Based in Lakewood, NJ, Dalemark, Industries Inc. is a leading designer, manufacturer and integrator of a broad line of product coding, printing, product handling and pressure sensitive labeling systems, inks, rubber & metal type and printing plates for the various manufacturing industries.

Dalemark Industries offers a track record and history of nearly 70 years of experience meeting the needs of the packaging industry with flat product and container handling and marking systems.

The company serves a variety of industries including the food, pharmaceutical, medical equipment, garment, automotive, textile and lumber industries.

Related Companies: Dalemark Industries, Inc.
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