
IndustryNet Blog

Roofing industry rebounds as construction bounces back

Posted by IndustryNet on Friday, July 21, 2017

Roofing-2The 2007-2009 recession caused havoc within the roofing industry; as new housing construction crashed and builders lost jobs, demand for new roofs vanished. But the economy has righted itself. Construction of both public and private buildings, including their roofs, has regained the pace it was on in the mid-2000s.

Recent data reveals that overall construction spending in fall 2016 rose to its highest level in 10 years, indicating a rise in roofing numbers, as well. The growth reflects gains in both private and public investments; the steady climb in the numbers could prompt economists to adjust their Q4 GDP estimates upwards.

Improved consumer spending supports more roofing opportunities

Across the roofing subspecialty over the past year, IndustryNet data shows the number of roofing manufacturers has risen as have the number of jobs.

• As of April 2017, there are 1,042 roofing companies in the United States, employing over 43,000 workers.

• Most roofing subspecialties added workers, too. Roofing trusses, roof tiles, roof coatings, and slate roofing materials all added
employees compared to 2016's numbers. Steel roofing materials, however, lost almost two percent of its total workforce.

• The majority of roofing companies is located in the Southern states, which are home to almost 470 roofing businesses.

• Meanwhile, the Northeast hosts only 118 of the country's 1,042 roofing-focused corporations.

Industry growth drives up employment numbers100000070_big red roof

• Prefabricated roof curbs businesses added over 100 new workers, representing a 29 percent increase.

• Conversely, metal roofing companies lost approximately 6,000 jobs over the year, netting a 13 percent shrinkage in employment numbers.

Despite the increase in companies and jobs, sales numbers remained on pace with 2016 trends, losing .04 percent when compared to last year. Like last year, across the industry, sales numbers remained steady with trusses, systems, coatings, and structures all reporting more than $100 million in annual revenues.

Top companies

A variety of companies topped the charts in specified industry categories:

Atlas Roofing of Hampton, Georgia leads the industry with over 700,000 square feet of manufacturing floor space.

Firestone Building Products of Prescott, Arkansas employs the most workers at 630.

NVR Building Products of Thurmont, Maryland grew to include 500 workers by April 2016.

Mule-Hide Mfg. of Cornell, Wisconsin reported the highest sales growth for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.

To learn more about the industry and to connect with additional U.S. roofing companies, see the list of roofing suppliers on IndustryNet, the industrial marketplace that connects industrial buyers and suppliers.

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