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O.E.M. (Original Equipment Manufacturers)FEATURED SUPPLIERS
IndustryNet is the industrial marketplace (Page 1 of 2)
List of verified suppliers of sheet metal fabrication, energy storage products & systems, painting & component assembly services, point-of-purchase displays & custom fabricated steel items for the cannabis & other industries, liquid wood & masonry stains, wood treatments, dyes, industrial & medical OEM job shop, tool & die making & small parts machining, LCD & LCM displays, touch panels, general machining job shop, tier 1 OEM job shop, forging, fabrication & precision machining, automotive & communication parts, motorized shopping carts, vehicle office desks & police car accessories, OEM machining job shop for the aircraft industry, avionics, fuel pressure switches, OEM gear pumps, lighting, aerospace, machine tool, aftermarket automotive, conveying, computer, powder coating, american-made powered transportation equipment for underground mining locomotives & personnel carriers, remanufactured streetcars/trolleys & new articulated streetcars, OEM parts, OEM component sourcing of industrial component parts for mid-level manufacturers, bearings, stampings & gears, small progressive dies, CNC machining, custom-built machines & OEM & CNC machining job shop for the erosion control, landscaping & automotive industries, OEM component manufacturers' representatives, in-house engineering, sheet & tube metal fabrication & material processing, automation & engineering services, industrial piping, welding, design, industrial ovens, textile dryers, dough & tortilla presses, warmers, bread slicers & air fryers, custom engineering & design for aerospace & industrial manufacturing applications & press room equipment, diesel exhaust fluids in bulk tankers, 330-gallon totes & 2.5-gallon jugs, electron guns, vacuum & hydrogen brazing, semiconductor, weldments & sheet & plate metal fabrication, welding & grinding job shop, custom electronic products, automated equipment/tooling & wire EDM service, tool & OEM job shop, windsurfing, floor scraping & shot blasting equipment & OEM job shop, OEM remanufacturer & parts for heavy-duty machinery, original equipment manufacturing, services & solutions for the commercial & military aerospace, fitness-for-duty impairment screeners for detection of fatigue, illegal drugs.
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